Website Redesign

Beginning in January 2022, Alma began a complete redesign of with a focus on being completely responsive, lightweight, and easy to maintain.

The first step of the updates were a reinvisioned logo and branding. The existing fractured round logo was retained in part, the portion that remains is meant to look shell-like. Adding the path and handle points (as would be seen in vector design programs) is a nod to the many benefits that come with simplicity, including scalability. This is reflective of one of Alma’s philosophies that easy and simple are not sononomous, and that simple is the ideal.

Then she began investigating what templates, tools and structures would lend the best experience and functionality to her site. While designing the single page site, she deployed superficial updates to this wordpress powered portion of the site. She also took advantage of many of the Adobe Creative Cloud tools available to support the galleries after finding that many of the multi-media plugins she previously used had been deprecated.

The updated site was officially relaunched on May 1, 2022.

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