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Kaltura System Growth Statistics

In August 2014, Alma became the System Administrator and Subject Matter Expert for the Loyola University Chicago instance of Kaltura (branded Loyola Media).

Comparing September 2014 to September 2015, the number of items played increased by 117%, the number of plays increased by 84% and the total minutes viewed increased 251%.


Dropbox in Education

In order to keep up to date attendance statistics for Structured Learning Assistance and Supplemental Instruction tutoring sessions, student staff had previously emailed updated excel spreadsheets to both the instructor they worked with and the head of the SI/SLA programs. This became problematic after several weeks of those emails flooded inboxes and the SI/SLA courses became more commonly offered.

After becoming a Graduate Assistant with the Tutoring and SI/SLA programs, Alma make a staff-wide recommendation for the use of the cloud service: Dropbox. Student staff managed a single spreadsheet in their Dropbox, and sent a download link to the professor and the program head. This minimized the potential confusion between old and new versions of the file, lost or deleted emails, and corrupted attachments.

As a part of her position, Alma gave a series of presentations to the full staff of SI and SLA leaders (nearly 35 in total). The presentation covered a description of Dropbox, a step-by-step for the implementation and several other uses for the service.


Interactive Media Lab Technician

Maxine Goodman-Levin College of Urban Affairs: Interactive Media Lab Technician (November 2005- October 2007)

As an Interactive Media Lab Technician, Alma shot, edited and published video of class lectures and college forum events. She also provided comprehensive on-ground tech support for conferences and events within the college. Alma expanded the multi-media interactivity of the college website and created CD-ROMs for online classes.

Later in her time in that position, Alma authored and distributed DVD copies of the college television series Urban Issues, some of which she was on the production team for (through her Multi-Source Video Production course).
